Les Others #13 – Audio


Timeless stories for everyone passionate about adventure, travel and photography.

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Relegated to live in the shadow of images for decades, audio is now experiencing a comeback. From virtual assistants and podcasts to audio-only social media platforms, some even speak of a veritable audio revolution.
That’s all the motivation we needed to dive in headfirst and inspect every possible angle of the overlapping worlds of soundwaves and the outdoors.

And we’re so glad we did: from the amateur radio operator hikers who practice SOTA, an acronym for Summits on the Air, scaling mountains in order to transmit their messages (page → 237) to the Golden Record, a gold plated vinyl flung into outer space by NASA in the hopes of encountering extraterrestrial life (page → 66), there’s so much to explore.

A powerful logic emerged from this interview, revealing the idea behind this entire volume: the era of audio will not be possible without an accompanying era of listening. To our planet, to each other, to ourselves. Has the time for listening arrived?

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