Anxy #4 – The Masculinity Issue


Anxy is a beautifully designed magazine about our inner worlds—the ones we often refuse to share, the personal struggles, the fears that fool us into believing that the rest of the world is normal and we’re not. This isn’t your therapist’s scientific journal. It isn’t some self-help manual. And we aren’t telling you how to “fix” an issue. We are Anxy. Aren’t you?

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Masculinity isn’t just about men. Masculinity is about everyone—our power, our vulnerability, our self-expression, and our state of mind. Some of us feel we were shaped by masculine norms that existed before we were born; others feel capable of shaping masculinity into an evolving identity. Masculinity influences the relationships we have with our friends, our families, our work—and our inner worlds.

Whether we’re joining the #MeToo movement, or grieving the loss of a male friend to suicide, the influence of masculine norms can be painful and difficult. It’s time for a new conversation about masculinity—one that recognizes that all of us, regardless of gender, are affected. We have the opportunity and the responsibility to consider how we want masculinity to show up in our own lives, and how we want it to look for coming generations.

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