A New Type of Imprint #13


A New Type of Imprint is a magazine and platform on creative culture and design.

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A dive into the process behind A New Type of Imprints swan song—the ultimate conclusion after 4 years and 12 extensive issues on Nordic design and creative culture:

The Last A New Type of Imprint is nothing like the magazine you knew. Actually it’s probably nothing like any other magazines you know. And that’s fine, cause it’s created with the purpose to compete with your phone, rather than other indie mags.

Print is dying, but not all print. In other words: if it’s really really good, a printed product can still beat our tingling urge to grab the phone and start scrolling to read an article that’s actually up to date. Even up to the last minute.

After releasing twelve issues of this magazine, we all kinda grew tired of the slow living coffee table magazine-trend that’s been slowly dominating the magazine world with slow reads and slow lifestyles and slow printing techniques on heavy expensive paper.

So we set out to create a final issue that would be as handy as a pocket book, as visually strong as the coffee table mags, and as interesting as the stuff going on on your phone at every second. And it had to be all about good design. After all, we are designers. In other words: The goal was nothing less than to create the ultimate print magazine, engaging for both the reader and the design lover.

And what about the content, you may ask?

Don’t worry, we got you. In fact, our proof reader said this: “The document is extremely well-written and consists of a variety of extremely interesting pieces, making for a compelling and engaging read regarding the fields of design, history, and contemporary art, amongst the many ideas explored through this issue.” 

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